Change in trading Schedules

Dear Evergreeners,

It is that period of the year when economies of the world take directions and shapes. The impact of these global economic decisions can become unprecedented on both retail and institutional traders if not properly managed and harnessed.

In the light of the above, Evergreenffx AI has been updated and optimized to only trade on days considered safe for trading and profiting from the financial markets.

In this trading days, EvergreenFFX AI will also be introducing some new pairs based off its quantitative, fundamental, deep market data analysis and Vector machine learning.

It’s true that the average trader wants activities on his/her trading account on daily basis 😊 but it’s also (truest) that traders with the “I must trade today” obsession have the highest potentials of crashing their portfolios.

Remember that “not trading” itself is an institutional risk management mechanism.

Even with this timely modification, EvergreenFFX, as always, clearly wishes to reiterate its promises on decent monthly returns.

As for the recent trades, seeing no enough volume in the market, Evergreenffx AI chose safety and security of portfolios over the human tendencies to get emotional.

We are proud to say that we have the best knowledge, access and tools to make you safe and sustainable profit.

Cheers to a year of Abundance

Evergreenffx Team